A Memphian’s voice of reason

Podcast Notes
Closing Music Credits: WOLF
In this episode, Bernita Jordon introduces herself as a true Memphian born and raised. She discussed the time she recalled when Martin Luther King Jr. was visiting Memphis and tanks were driving up and down her street. Her mother was making sure her siblings were all inside because they applied a curfew that night. She didn’t recall the actual event that was going on but remembers that MLK Jr. came to speak because of a black person killed by a white man at the workplace. We will have to do more research to find out what the exact event was.
Ms. Bernita provided advice for parents and youth in the black community. She believes that it’s the mom’s role to educate and keep our children out of trouble. If parents take more responsibility for themselves and their children, our kids will have better role models, and therefore, the black community will come together. She says first to put God first!

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