(December 1, 1940- April 9, 2011)
Photo credits: The Estate of Jerry Lawson (Jerry Lawson)
Before Xbox, PlayStation, or even Atari, you had to buy a...
Black History Month is a time to celebrate the contributions of African Americans who have shaped our world. While figures like Martin Luther King...
(December 1, 1940- April 9, 2011)
Photo credits: The Estate of Jerry Lawson (Jerry Lawson)
Before Xbox, PlayStation, or even Atari, you had to buy a...
Podcast Notes
Introduction to Alexander Twilight
His parents
father, Ichabod was black or mulatto
His mother, Mary's race, is not certain
His education
He completed not only the secondary...
Dr. Daniel Hale Williams stands as a towering figure in American medical history, breaking racial barriers and revolutionizing cardiac surgery in the late 19th...