Black Mentor Programs: Need a Mentor/Be a Mentor

We must learn from history and utilize what has worked in the past. In ancient Africa, mentoring was prominent with rites of passage to help guide young people to learn and behave in the ways of the culture. When a child was born in Africa, everyone in the village would share responsibilities in raising and educating the child in the way of the village and their culture. There was always one older child that wasn’t in the family that would ask questions and listens carefully to the younger child. Habari gani menta are what the person is called in Swahili, which means The person who asks what’s happening.
Find a Mentor / Be a Mentor
Big Brothers Big Sisters
This program pairs African-American Littles with African-American Boys who will support them and help them see they can achieve anything they want to in life.
Become a mentor
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OK Program
Since 1990, the OK Program has touched the lives of thousands of African-American males from the ages of 12 to 18 in order to reverse the high rates of homicides and incarceration among that population. Our collaborative, team mentorship model brings together local police officers, school districts, and the faith-based community with the goal of transforming lives and empowering African-American men and boys to improve their communities. It has been working since 1990.
As it works with school districts, law enforcement, and faith-based communities, the OK Program has grown to become the longest-running mentorship program focused specifically on African-American boys. The vision that Dep had 25 years ago for helping African-American boys live long productive lives is needed today more than ever.
Be a Mentor
100 Black Men
Ages 13-18
Mission Statement
The mission of the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. is to improve the quality of life within our communities and enhance educational and economic opportunities for all African Americans.
Vision Statement
The 100 seeks to serve as a beacon of leadership by utilizing our diverse talents to create environments where our children are motivated to achieve and to empower our people to become self-sufficient shareholders in the economic and social fabric of the communities we serve.
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The Black Star Project
The Black Star Project (TBSP) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, action-based organization founded in 1996 to provide educational services that improve the lives of less-advantaged Black communities and to close the racial academic achievement gap. TBSP accomplishes its mission by educating, organizing and mobilizing parents and volunteers, and working with community partners to facilitate a wide variety of solid programs, high-visibility campaigns, and other special initiatives.
From its beginning, TBSP has worked to improve the lives of people in low-income Black and Latino communities, particularly on the south and west sides of Chicago. Often, these communities are plagued with violence, unemployment, and low academic achievement. TBSP’s work is motivated by its vision that all children, with the support of their families, neighborhoods, and communities, will become 21st-century global citizens who are globally competent, globally cooperative and globally compassionate.
Enroll My Child
Be a Mentor
C.H.A.M.P.S. Male Mentoring Program
Gold Star Award Program based in Chicago, IL and offers a culturally sensitive approach to developing the mindsets of African American and Latino young men. C.H.A.M.P.S. stands for Culturally Helping And Making Positive Success.  We focus on the 3E’s; Education, Empowerment, and Exposure. We mentor young men ages 12 and up.
Ages 12-18 YEARS OLD
Mentor Application
If you know of any additional mentor programs, please comment below.

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