Emmett Till, I learned about the tragic tale of him, a 14-year-old African American child whose treatment by racial prejudice sparked the civil rights...
(December 1, 1940- April 9, 2011)
Photo credits: The Estate of Jerry Lawson (Jerry Lawson)
Before Xbox, PlayStation, or even Atari, you had to buy a...
Black History Month is a time to celebrate the contributions of African Americans who have shaped our world. While figures like Martin Luther King...
Gertrude Hadley Jeannette became the first woman in New York City licensed to drive a motorcycle. She was the first woman licensed to drive a cab. She became...
The significance of Tressie Souders in black history is hard to understate. She diligently navigated the landscape of a predominantly white and male-centric Hollywood,...
In the annals of American history, there are countless unsung heroes whose contributions have shaped the nation’s cultural and spiritual fabric. One such figure...